
Option_merge uses this Path object to encapsulate the idea of a path and the converters that are available to use.

We are able to use this to store a reference to the root of the configuration as well as whether the converters should be ignored or not.

It’s purpose is to behave like a string regardless of whether it is a string or a list of strings.


classmethod Path.convert(path, configuration=None, converters=None, ignore_converters=None, joined=None)

Get us a Path object from this path

If path is already a Path instance, it is returned as is.

Otherwise, a joined version of the string is created and used, along with the other kwargs to this function, to produce a new Path instance

Instance Methods

class delfick_project.option_merge.path.Path(path, configuration=None, converters=None, ignore_converters=False, joined=None, joined_function=None)

Encapsulate a path; a root configuration; a list of converters; and whether the converters should be used or not

A path may be just a string or a list of strings.


Create a copy of this path joined with other


Compare the joined version of this path and the joined version of the other path


If the path is a string, treat it as a list of that one string, otherwise, treat path as it is and get the index of the path as specified by key


The hash of the joined version of this path


Iterate through the parts of our path


The length of our path

  • If we have no path, then 0

  • if path is a string, then 1

  • if path is an array, then the length of the array


Negation of whether other is equal to this path


Whether we have any path or not


alias for self.joined


alias for self.joined


Return a clone of this path with all the same values


Determine if this path has been converted


Return the converted value for this path


Do the conversion on some path if any conversion exists

Return (converted, did_conversion)

Where did_conversion is a boolean indicating whether a conversion took place.


Does the path end with this string?


Find appropriate converter for this path


Return whether the first part of this path is this string


Return a clone of this path with ignore_converters set to True


Return the dot_join of of the path


Return a clone with this prefix to the path


Does the path start with this string?


Return whether we’re waiting for this value


Return a clone of this path without the base